Just as you enjoy a decorative bathroom to use daily, so will your kids. Whether the bathroom is for their exclusive use or for the entire family, add features that make it easier, safer and more enjoyable for the kids each time they enter this room. We suggest five, practical ideas to remodel any bathroom so it’s child-friendly.
Let’s Not Forget the Kids’ Bathroom
Kids need a place to sleep. They need a place to play. Often, the bathroom is the last thing to get much needed attention. Here’s a few things to keep in mind to make a kids’ bathroom safe, secure and functional.
1. Non-Slip Stickers for the Bathtub or Shower
Today, non-slip stickers are available to prevent kids from slipping in a bathtub or shower. Stickers come in all sorts of animated characters ranging from a clown fish to a smiling dolphin. With these, your children can stand and sit without sliding all over the place. Stickers are an enjoyable feature for the kids to look at, but you also will protect them from slips, falls and injuries in the tub.
2. Cover Clamps on Toilets
Cover clamps are a safety measure to prevent small children from playing in the toilets. Without these clamps, your kids may flush unsafe items down the toilet and cause a severe clog. Of course, if your children are over a certain age, these are probably not necessary at your house.
3. Towel Hooks at the Children’s Level for Easy Reach
Install towel hooks low so enough that your children can reach their towels easily without getting on the tiptoes. In addition, you can place each child’s name above his or her towel hook if appropriate for your children’s ages. You can purchase towel hooks in wood, plastic, metal or a combination of materials. Select whichever style fits in with the rest of the bathroom. With wood hooks, you will be able to paint them whatever color necessary; something to keep in mind with your remodeling plans.
4. An Open Toilet Area Allows You to Assist Your Children
An open or wide toilet area allows you to assist any of your children whenever necessary. Potty training is just one of the times when you need enough space to move around in to offer help to your children. Most of the enclosed toilet areas typically are only thirty inches in width, whereas a width of forty-two inches will provide you the room you require to help your children. Remember this fact during remodels.
5. Allow Your Children to Decorate Walls
Let the children decorate the walls! One method is by painting the lower half of at least one or two walls with chalkboard paint. Each child can draw with chalk on the wall whenever he or she visits the room. You also can have the children paint or draw pictures with waterproof paint or inks, so you can then decoupage the pictures on the bathroom walls. Just buy a decoupage sealer and follow the instructions on the container.
Your children could paint a mural directly onto the wall at a height safe for them to work at without a ladder. Of course, they may need your assistance with this project. When you let the children help decorate the bathroom in this manner, they feel pride whenever they view their work. In place of any of these ideas, you can use bright colors on the walls along with cartoon-character decals or animal-print wallpaper.
The above are just a few possibilities for a child-friendly bathroom. Begin with these and add your own ideas for the perfect kids’ bathroom. Create a room the children are eager to enter especially at bath time, as we all know some kids need a little extra incentive to wash or brush their teeth!